Monday, May 28, 2012

Unintentional Break

Guys, I have been MIA from posting due to a few things:

1) My back went out in early May.  It sucked, and I've been doing Physical Therapy a few times a week.  My PSA to anyone who has had a baby - start building your core back up ASAP after you have that baby.  I was a total slacker after little man came along - before him I was a Spinning instructor, worked out a few times a week, I was in great shape.  After him I didn't set foot in a gym until he was 13 months old.  And when I did, I thought, "Hey, Spinning class!" and I felt awesome until a few hours later when I couldn't even get off the couch or walk because I had raw nerve pain shooting up and down my back, in to my legs, etc.  Essentially, because I had done nothing to build my core back, my back was overcompensating and doing all the work, and I must have twisted, or lifted wrong, and my back just couldn't do it anymore.  It sucked.  I couldn't pick up my (25 pound) baby, couldn't go to work, I honestly laid on the couch for 3 days trying not to move. 

2)  I was working on some non-Pinterest projects!  I replaced a zipper on a super cute Steve Madden motorcycle jacket that my colleague's daughter recieved as a gift - but it had no zipper pull!  And I did some alterations on a friend's Ellen Tracy dress - there was some draping that had gone all wrong, which is probably why she was able to snatch it up from a thrift shop for like $6.

3)  I have been getting myself ready for some work travel that I will embark on tomorrow.  When I say get myself ready, it's more of getting myself mentally and emotionall ready to leave the family for the week.  Business travel lost its luster quite fast once I had the little man.  So I've been making some deposits in my cuddle reserve, since I will be withdrawing a bunch between Tuesday and Friday.

Before I check out completely for the week, I will post a quick little project I did today, because it's friggin easy and cute.


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